Think getting great fitness results in only 20 minutes a day is too good to be true? You don’t know Shaun T. Yes, I have a soft spot for him since he’s the one that sparked my life-changing journey (can you hear the sappy music playing in the background?) back in 2012. But it’s true- he can help you get results in just 20 minutes a day! His latest program is Transform :20 and I loved it…
I just finished it last week and I’m getting ready to start it again tomorrow!
About the Program
Transform :20 is a 6-week program consisting of 36 different workouts. Each workout is really just 20 minutes, with a very short cooldown after the 20 minutes. The only equipment you need is a step. You know, like those ones from way back when. Even the step is optional though. There is one person in the cast who does not use one. (I have to say it was fun using the step!)
The step comes with adjustable risers. It’s easy to add them on (or take them back off when you wonder what you were thinking about doing something to make this craziness even harder).
There are 3 “chapters” to the program- Commit, Climb, Conquer. Each chapter is 2-weeks and the chapters get more challenging. The end of the “chapter” is a good time to decide if you want to add those risers to the step.
There are also several bonus workouts- a recovery workout, an ab workout, and workouts with weights. I’ve tried two of the weight workouts and loved them. But I love weights all the time.
These snazzy stickers also come with the program. I did not add them because I couldn’t find them…now that we’ve been “tidied” I know exactly where they are. And will add them to my step when I’m done procrastinating. But they are kind of fun (I know because I watched the cast put them on their steps and heard about it from my organized sister who did the program with me) and add an element of ceremony to each phase. Sometimes the extra motivation is nice! And necessary!
Each week you do 6 different workouts- Burn, Faster, Stronger, Powerful, Cut, Balanced. The individual workouts vary week to week but they are designed for the same purpose and have many of the same exercises. It does not feel very repetitive though. Each workout was filmed live in real time, so each one is different.
- Burn- These workouts will get your metabolism going with fat-burning cardio exercises. Think sweat.
- Faster- Fast-paced aerobic workouts that build endurance and incinerate fat.
- Stronger- Build muscle and burn fat. A slower pace, but still intense.
- Powerful- Plyometric and strength exercises. Use your own body weight to build muscle.
- Cut- High-intensity cardio moves with holds and pulses help you sculpt a leaner, more defined body.
- Balanced- Lots of stretching and core moves. Helps you recover and optimize performance.
There is a modified version of each workout available. I only used this option a few times, but it was so nice to have. The modifier shows you how to do the workout at a lower intensity and how to modify some of the more challenging exercises.
Each workout contains 3 “transformers.” These are exercises you do for 1 minute and these repeat each week. So you do 3 tranformers for Burn and you do them every Monday. You write down how many you are able to do in a minute and the challenge is to try to beat that number the following week. It’s hard! It’s also motivating- you really want to beat that number.
The program also includes a nutrition plan. This is where I dropped the ball, but I love the plan itself. If you’re not familiar with the 21 Day Fix containers it might take some getting used to, but it’s a sound, well-rounded nutrition plan with lots of choices and real food.
One thing I was so excited about but kind of lost my enthusiasm for as the weeks went by was the Transform :20 Transformation Tracker. It’s a food journal/progress tracker/diary in one nice little book. I have read time and time again about how effective keeping a food journal is, yet I never stick with it. It’s a thing. I filled it in earnestly for a week or so, half-heartedly for a week or so, half-assed for a week or so, and then not at all. Next time I do this program (and I will totally do it again!) my goals will be to be more committed to good nutrition and to fill out the Transformation Tracker!
Shakeology is an optional part of the plan. I love the stuff and I definitely think it helps tremendously with nutrition and cravings, but you can certainly get results without it. I didn’t start drinking it until I was two years into this fitness thing.
Transform :20 also features “Transform Your Life With Shaun T,” like a reality show with the cast and a dose of inspiration from Shaun T. Each episode is about 15 minutes- no exercise required! There’s an episode a week. It is kinda fun to get to know the cast and hear their stories. The episodes also give you a preview of what’s to come in the week ahead.
My Favorite Things About the Program
- It’s only 20 minutes. Even for a girl who has gotten used to 40-60 minute workouts over the last year or so, this is pretty exciting. It virtually eliminates any room for excuses. Don’t have time? Yes, you do. It’s 20 freaking minutes. Think you’ll die? No, you won’t. It’s only 20 freaking minutes.
- It’s fast-paced. This might sound like a downside, but it was actually kind of nice. It goes so fast you don’t have much time to dwell on the craziness you’re putting your body through.
- The Transformers. I loved the transformers! They were so motivating. At one point, one of my daughters was watching me do my workout. When I did 80 of some transformer (even if the cast did 140 or my elderly neighbor could do 90) she got so excited. “Mama did 80!” And her reaction made me feel so proud. Yeah, I did 80. 80 of something really hard. I also loved seeing the progress week to week. And it was motivating- if the minute was almost up and I didn’t reach last week’s number you bet your bippy I was speeding up and pushing harder.
- The Emotion. I’m a sucker for emotion. This program will make you appreciate what physical exercise can do for your whole life. It’s not about losing pounds or inches or finding your waistline, it’s about challenging yourself. You will push yourself. You will do things you didn’t think you could do. And you will feel better about yourself because of that.
- Shaun T. I just love him. He’s so motivating. Sometimes very mushy and emotion-based and sometimes the tough love you need. Have you ever seen a clip of him yelling, “Come on, y’all! Let’s go!” in Insanity? If you haven’t, google it.
Another thing I loved was doing it with my sister and two friends. Doing it together makes it so much more fun and keeps me so motivated. We encouraged each other through the flu, trips to Disney, soreness, and all the other things that came up in the 6 weeks. We laughed (and maybe cried) about Shaun T being crazy. It makes it more meaningful when you finish and when you see them finish.
I also had the support of women not doing Transform :20. My accountability group is amazing; there are women in there I’ve never met. Our group is a place filled with positivity and support. We’ve all had our ups and downs, but no matter what program we’re doing (or not doing), how good or bad our eating has gotten, we are there for each other in our little Facebook bubble. This group has been an important part of my life for years now. Feeling lots of love for my fitness friends…
Want to try Transform :20? Or try something else to get your exercise mojo going? You can check out Transform :20 here. Or send me an email ( and I can help you figure out what might work for you. You can send me a message on Facebook too.
Yes, it’s crazy hard. It’s not right for everybody. But Insanity was not right for me back in 2012, at least not on paper. Sometimes pushing yourself hard forces you to rise to the occasion in new ways. Hard might be what you need, what pushes you to thrive like you never have before. That’s what I needed 6 1/2 years ago and that’s what finally made exercise click for me.
What have you done lately that made you feel proud? I’d love to hear from you!
P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter for exercise inspiration and tips!
P.P.S. Share this with a friend looking to get fit or a friend who loves Shaun T like I do 🙂
I want to do it again after reading that!!!
Your results make me want to do it again! And this time without eating like an unsupervised child 🙂