Are you on a health and fitness journey? And getting a little sick of the “journey” part. Enough already with the journey can we just get to the freaking destination. Where I am fit and strong and cute and healthy and don’t want to eat that whole bag of Dove chocolate hearts. You know, when I can do a handstand in yoga class like the 80-year-old woman on the mat next to me and borrow my skinny friend’s awesome clothes. I might know a thing or two about that. But I also know maybe we need to take a step back and redefine fit.
I listened to something today about goal setting that stuck with me. A lot of times we set vague goals, or we say we want to do something without really thinking about what we want the outcome to look like.
And sometimes, when we’re on a “journey,” a really long-ass journey, we can forget why we’re there along the way.
In order to get somewhere, you need to know where you want to go.
If you ask for directions somewhere, you have to tell the other person where you’re hoping to get.
Maybe you don’t know how you’ll get there yet, or all the details. But you need a destination. Where do you want to go? What is your desired outcome?
Verbalize the Outcome. Redefine as needed.
Sometimes we need to redefine our desired outcome. Or at least verbalize what that desired outcome is, specifically. For example, “rich” means different things to different people. To one person it might mean making a million dollars, to another person it might mean having enough to pay the rent. “Success” looks different to different people too; getting there depends on what your version of success is.
The same could be said about getting healthy and fit. For healthy, we could put some scientific/physical parameters in to identify physical success: body mass index, blood levels, nutritional deficiencies, disease, and disease markers in the body. Blah, blah, important blah.
But there’s also our own general definition of what fit looks like.
What does “fit” mean to you? Right now? Not the definition that you’ve had tucked inside your brain since you were a teenager. What does it look like now?
There’s a good chance you will need to redefine what fit means to you.
Fit enough to haul my ass out of the pool…
My definition of fit changed. It went from “skinny” to “strong.” It went from looking a certain way to being able to do certain things.
Somewhere in the years leading up to 2012 (when I became an exercise person, surprising myself as much as anyone else) my idea of fit shifted. I went from wishing to be thin, to wanting to be able to go for a run.
I got it in my head that I would really feel fit when I could decide to go for a 3-mile run (just because it’s nice out) and go do it. And finish it and come back in one piece.
My version of fit became being able to hoist myself out of a pool without using the ladder or stairs. (Have you ever struggled with this? I don’t care what size you are, struggling to push yourself out of a pool is certainly humbling!)
Chances are your desired outcome of being fit looks different now than it did ten years ago.
Your new version might have nothing to do with a bikini or a dress or Madonna arms. It might have more to do with…
- walking up stairs without getting out of breath
- playing tag in the yard with your kids (or grandkids)
- going for a walk with friends and being able to keep up
- going for a casual run
- taking a yoga class and feeling comfortable
- hearing “your skin looks great- you’re glowing”
- having more energy
- feeling wonderfully spent after a workout
- getting off medicine, or staying off medicine
- waking up rested, not sluggish
- turning down junk food and feeling empowered not deprived
- shopping for clothes and liking it
- noticing a muscle you never knew you had
- doing something you couldn’t do a year ago
Please pick out the cabinets, tile, backsplash, sink, island, appliances, and paint color…
So just like you should have a clear desired outcome of what your kitchen renovation will look like, you should have a clear desired outcome of what fit means to you. You don’t have to know all the steps that will get you there, you don’t have to plan every meal and workout. There doesn’t have to be any plan at all.
You just need to know what you want. What will you feel like when you get there?
Close your eyes for a second and picture it. Picture yourself as a future healthy/fit/strong version of yourself.
What do you look like? How do you feel? What are you doing? Who are you with? What are you wearing? How great does your hair look? Where are you going? What car are you driving? Get detailed…see it, breathe into it, feel it.
That’s the most important part: FEEL IT. If you really feel it you’ll know it’s fantastic.
And you’ll be much more likely to get there.
Just kidding, you don’t have to pick out anything. Just get a clear picture of it all in your head…
So don’t worry about the gym, the workouts, the meal plans, the sugar, the flour, keto, paleo, shakes, supplements, clean eating.
Close your eyes and feel what it feels like to be fit.
Got it?
Now get started.
Think about that each day- what fit looks like for you and how it feels.
Make choices that are aligned with your desired outcome.
Act as if you already are that future fit-you.
You’ll figure out the how as you go. And it will be a journey.
Enjoy the process. Love yourself along the way.
I’m here if you need me!
Where are you at in your health and fitness journey? Do you have a clear picture/feeling of where you want to go? Or could it use a little clarity? I’d love to hear from you!
Love this and it is exactly what I need to do right now!
Thank you!!
I’m so happy you loved it! And that you feel inspired by it…woohoo!
Terrific and inspiring post. Fit for me is not having that bloated feeling by watching what I eat and exercising each morning with a good stretching session and a session on my indoor bike. And when the weather a walk at the Piermont Pier.
I love the Piedmont Pier, too, Donna! Thank you so much! And I love how you check in with yourself and know what works for you 🙂