We all know water is important, water is good for us. We probably know we should drink a certain amount each day- maybe 8 8-ounce glasses rings a bell? Or half your weight in ounces? Physically drinking isn’t a challenge for most of us. And if it was 8 8-ounce glasses of lemonade (or wine) maybe it would go down a little easier. So why do so many of us struggle to make drinking water a daily habit? It’s a matter of figuring out what’s keeping you from doing it and finding the just-right formula to make the water habit stick.
Why is water important?
Water is key in so many processes in your body and in all parts of your body- from your cells to your joints and organs. It aids in all sorts of bodily processes and can affect energy, metabolism, and digestion.
It makes you feel better, too. Dehydration can make you feel tired, give you a headache. Plus you are more likely to overeat.
Water replenishes your body- think about it on a cellular level!- and it flushes out toxins.
Your body needs water to function and you need it to feel good.
How much water?
Half your body weight in ounces is a good rule of thumb, with a minimum of 64 ounces a day.
So if you weigh 200 pounds, aim to drink about 100 ounces of water. But if you weigh 120 pounds, you might want to drink a little more than 60 ounces.
You can aim to drink a certain number of water bottles each day to reach your number, or fill a large container and use it to pour your water during the day with the goal of finishing it by a certain time.
When to drink water?
I drink water all day with these two things being my only hard and fast rules:
- First thing in the morning. It’s important to replenish your body (it’s mostly water, right?) after a long break from consuming anteing while you were sleeping. I also find I drink more water during the day if I drink a big glass of water right away, or soon after waking.
- Not too close to bedtime! I hate waking up during the night because I have to pee. So I try to drink most of my water before dinner.
You can set benchmarks during the day- a certain number of ounces (or bottles) by a certain time. Or 20 ounces an hour.
Try drinking a glass of water after each cup of coffee or tea (caffeine can be dehydrating too- so it’s a good idea anyway).
Tips and Tricks to Drink More Water
Some tips and tricks sound silly, but if they work why not try them!
-Make your water fancy. Use ice and a pretty glass. Try a stainless steel straw. Maybe add cucumber, lemon, mint, frozen berries. Add a lemon slice.
-Try different water bottles. It sounds silly, but I for sure drink more water when I use certain water bottles. I like some better than others. So find one you like. It’s great if you can get one that’s 24 or 32 ounces. Then you can set a goal of how many to drink each day (and set timed guidelines in during the day- one bottle before work, one before lunch, one before 3:00, one before you go home for example).
-Use a straw. Some people drink more when they use straws. Try it!
-Try drinking room temperature water. I drink more water when it’s room temperature. Every now and then I enjoy ice water or a nice cold drink of water. But I find it easier to drink more when it’s not too cold. So try that. I like to fill my water glass or bottle the night before so it’s not too cold to drink in the morning. (Other people prefer it cold and drink more that way- see what works for you)
-Track your intake. You can be boring like me and just write down how many ounces you’ve had after you finish a bottle. Or you can use an app or colored bracelets. There are lots of creative ideas out there!
Stepping down from drinking too much soda/sugary drinks
Giving up sugary drinks (or artificially sweetened drinks like diet soda and iced tea) can be hard. It’s kicking a habit, just like any other habit.
Make sure you commit to it for reasons that are compelling to you right now. And give yourself some grace in the process.
Read some articles about all the bad effects of it to back up your own compelling reasons. Sometimes we need a reminder of what we have to lose and gain from our habits.
And try one of two approaches- cold turkey or baby steps. If you choose baby steps you can cut down the number of sodas you have each day, replacing them with water or seltzer or decaf tea. Maybe a reward approach will work- no sodas all week means you can order a soda with dinner on Friday night. Make them a treat you have at certain times- when you go to the movies or when you have pizza. (unless you’re eating too much pizza too like I tend to do!)
Jazz up seltzer as a replacement drink. Find a brand you like, add some fruit, make it delicious. The bubbles might be a good distraction from missing your soda.
If you’re an iced tea fan (diet or sweetened with sugar) try using unsweetened tea and flavoring it yourself. You can sweeten it yourself with honey or stevia (with the ultimate goal of ditching those too) and add lemon.
Read this post – 5 Easy Ways to Drink Your Way to Better Health – for a few healthy drink options, too! But don’t replace your water with them 🙂
What if  you don’t like water?
-Add flavor. Ideally with fruit. Sliced cucumbers and lemons are great and easy and add a lot of flavor. Frozen berries are good, too, and so pretty 🙂 You can also use mint leaves. If you’re really struggling you can add a splash of unsweetened fruit juice and gradually step down until you are used to drinking water plain or just flavored with fruit.
And my tough-love answer? Get over it. You’ll get used to it. Do it because you know it’s good for you. Find ways to make it more enjoyable when possible, but at the end of the day it’s too important. You need to create your water habit.
My water habit…
I wake up and drink 24 ounces (usually in a big mason jar). If I’m exercising right away, which I do most mornings, I will drink a little before I start, sip it during my workout, and finish it after. If not, I try to drink the whole thing within a few minutes of getting out of bed.
I will try to drink 3 more big mason jars (filled to the 24-ounce mark) by the end of the day. And I have a stainless steel water bottle I use when I’m working outside the house or running errands and I try to drink 1-2 of those.
So my total is usually around 120 ounces of water a day. That sounds high! But I’ve been doing this a while and I like the way I feel when I drink more water.
Each time I finish a “jar” of water or a water bottle I write down the number of ounces.
This Santa Cruz lemon juice is a healthy way to add a little flavor- and lemon juice brings its own health benefits to your water! I’ve also been loving my cucumber water this week- I go through phases with it, but it’s delicious and a natural way to add flavor. Ahhh…so refreshing.
Do you drink enough water? Is it a habit? A struggle? I’d love to hear from you…and you know I want to hear about your favorite water bottles! You can comment here, email me at mary@stayathomefit.com, or connect with me on Instagram and Facebook.
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