Have you ever considered how much time you have spent talking about, reading about, or thinking about weight loss and/or fitness? I don't think I'm alone when I say my answer would be, to be precise: … [Read more...]
Make It a Priority
Have trouble sticking with exercise? Or anything else? I struggled with "sticking with" exercise most of my life. I even felt like there was something wrong with me, like I would never be able to make … [Read more...]
The Best Beachbody Workouts A-Z
There's this company that kinda sorta changed my life. Sometimes I hesitate to talk (or write) about it because I feel like people might hide from me. But I also feel like I'm obligated to share it … [Read more...]
5 Best Beachbody Programs for Runners
Running in the wintertime has its challenges around here. Icy patches, frigid temperatures, uncleared sidewalks. There's always the treadmill or the gym, but other indoor workout options can offer you … [Read more...]
Get Out of that Rut: Do Yoga
Want to get out of that rut: do yoga. Exercise, in general, makes you feel better. All that endorphin stuff is true. But I'm talking yoga here because of the whole mind/body thing. There's something … [Read more...]
5 Tricks to Make Running Easier
Hate to run? I get it. My feelings for running range from avoidance to pure hatred to infatuation to ecstatic love...but more often than not they're somewhere in the middle. I don't love running the … [Read more...]
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